33 research outputs found

    Multiple-model based update of belgian reference road data

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    This paper describes a semi-automatic system for road update based on high resolution orthophotos and 3D surface models. Potential update regions are identified by an object-wise verification of all existing database records, followed by a scene-wide detection of redevelopment regions. The proposed system combines several road detection and road verification approaches from current literature to form a more general solution. Each road detection / verification approach is realized as an independent module representing a unique road model combined with a corresponding processing strategy. The object-wise verification result of each module is formulated as a binary decision between the classes "correct road" and "incorrect road". These individual decisions are combined by Dempster-Shafer fusion, which provides tools for dealing with uncertain and incomplete knowledge about the statistical properties of the data. For each road detection / verification module a confidence function for the result is introduced that reflects the degree of correspondence of an actual test situation with an optimal situation according to the underlying road model of that module. Experimental results achieved with data from the national Belgian road database in a test site of about 134 km(2) demonstrate the potential of the method

    Money in a Maelstrom.

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    This paper describes a semi-automatic system for road update based on high resolution orthophotos and 3D surface models. Potential update regions are identified by an object-wise verification of all existing database records, followed by a scene-wide detection of redevelopment regions. The proposed system combines several road detection and road verification approaches from current literature to form a more general solution. Each road detection / verification approach is realized as an independent module representing a unique road model combined with a corresponding processing strategy. The object-wise verification result of each module is formulated as a binary decision between the classes "correct road" and "incorrect road". These individual decisions are combined by Dempster-Shafer fusion, which provides tools for dealing with uncertain and incomplete knowledge about the statistical properties of the data. For each road detection / verification module a confidence function for the result is introduced that reflects the degree of correspondence of an actual test situation with an optimal situation according to the underlying road model of that module. Experimental results achieved with data from the national Belgian road database in a test site of about 134 km2 demonstrate the potential of the method

    Oud en moe van dagen: levensmoeheid bij ouderen

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    Levensmoeheid bij ouderen kan aanleiding geven tot een wens om te sterven. Deze tekst biedt artsen een praktische handleiding over deze problematiek. De lichamelijke, psychische en sociaaleconomische risicofactoren voor levensmoeheid moeten opgespoord en geëvalueerd worden op hun reversibiliteit en behandelmogelijkheden. Een multidisciplinaire evaluatie en aanpak van levensmoeheid is gezien de vaak multifactoriële etiologie wenselijk. De zorgverlener kijkt na of de levensmoeheid aanleiding geeft tot lijden dat uitzichtloos en ondraaglijk is. De uitzichtloosheid is een professioneel oordeel over het nog aanwezige behandelen zorgperspectief en is vaak objectiveerbaar. De ondraaglijkheid is een beleving van de patiënt, strikt persoonlijk en altijd subjectief. De criteria van de huidige wetgeving rond euthanasie, de reversibiliteit van de onderliggende oorzaken van levensmoeheid en de ondraaglijkheid van het lijden bepalen of een verzoek tot euthanasie van de patiënt met levensmoeheid in overweging kan worden genomen. Soms past een verzoek niet binnen het voorgestelde kader zodat een weloverwogen multidisciplinair advies van een commissie voor medische ethiek wenselijk is

    Strategies for introducing methanol as an alternative fuel for shipping

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    Although waterborne transport is an energy efficient means of transport, its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is growing and pollutant emissions are high relative to other forms of transport. Emission legislation on the other hand is catching up by introducing strongly reduced emission limits in the upcoming years, which leads to an urgent need for alternative ways of fueling waterborne transport. In the Horizon 2020 “LeanShips” project, the use of methanol as an alternative fuel for shipping is studied in one of its demonstrators. In the demonstrator, a high speed marine diesel engine is converted for methanol use. This paper discusses the rationale for methanol as an alternative fuel for marine transportation, different possible strategies for operating vessel engines on methanol, their pros and cons, and the approach taken within LeanShips, namely dual fuel operation with methanol port injection. The potential of methanol concerning energy efficiency and pollutant emissions is discussed, as well as other demonstration projects on methanol and next steps for methanol engine developments